
The author of ICM Explorer is Douglas Zare, a mathematician, writer, and programmer living in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He makes instructional videos for PokerStrategy.com and writes a column on the mathematics of backgammon for GammonVillage.com. He has recently published The Math of Hold'em, a book about math techniques for hold'em players.

Douglas Zare wrote some of the earlier strategy posts about applying the ICM to single table tournaments in the twoplustwo.com forums, and proved some of the basic results, such as that the ICM never recommends taking a gamble which loses chips in a heads-up pot, but that it can recommend taking a gamble which loses chips in a 3-way pot. He created a fast algorithm for evaluating the ICM in multitable tournaments.

ICM Explorer was written to automate some of the complex ICM calculations which occur in the study of Sit-N-Go tournaments. You can see its use in some of Douglas Zare's videos for PokerStrategy.

We have added some original poker T-shirts. More are coming soon.

To contact Douglas Zare, e-mail Douglas.Zare@gmail.com.